Life The Last Few Weeks - Procrastination and
I haven't been too good about writing these weekly updates so far this month, so here is the highlight reel to cover the last couple of weeks
Adam and I went on a little lunch time adventure in the foothills surrounding the studio. Found this gem.
Jack likes to pretend to play games where you pretend to drive
Jumping Jacks has a cool room with an underwater theme and black lights that make your lipstick look cool
Saturday night fire pit in the backyard
Alesia dyed her hair purple and we took pictures in the kids bedroom. Pro tip, give your kids the room with the best light
Jack's school has their annual Fiesta last weekend
Cliff hanger
Jack got a blue snow cone
We all got together to celebrate our mothers
I took a new portrait of Hannah in the same style I have of Jack from around the same age