Astraia’s Desk
Riverside, Calif. 2024
Astraia’s Desk represents Virgo in my Signs of the Zodiac still life series. I’ll come right out and say it up front, I had a lot of fun making this and I’m really proud of how it turned out. I’ll get right into the concept, no long preamble for this one.
I have been starting each new sign by doing a bit of research (both googling and ChatGPT). Unlike some signs, the traits and characteristics of virgo were pretty consistent and clear: Meticulous attention to detail, strong analytical skills, and practical approach to life. They’re often seen as organized, reliable, and dedicated, with a deep desire for order and perfection.
The next step is to talk to someone who identifies with the sign I’m working on. In this case one such person is my particular friend Yunuén, who was a treasure trove of ideas. Yuni share with me that often a virgos attention to detail manifests in a love for menial tasks and activities. I’m pretty sure this is when I thought of making the image an “I Spy” style image, but I wanted a bit more first hand virgo interaction. It turns out my Instagram friend Bethany is not only a very talented art director and creative consultant, but a virgo as well. It was my conversation with her that solidified the idea of making the still life itself a searchable image with hidden items or themes to find.
Here’s the thing about those I Spy image riddle books. The still life images in them are often absolutely PACKED with things to look at. (By the way, this is a good place to mention that the photographer behind the I Spy images is named Walter Wick and you can follow him on instagram here: @walterwickstudio)
I needed to sort out how to make a still life that appeared organized and orderly, but still had things to look at and find. Not only that, but I needed to do it with things that I had available to me. There was a natural solution that coincided with a niche interest of mine: desk accoutrement. As someone who collects (collected? I don’t know) vintage or interesting items that you mind find on someones desk, I realized that many of the items I owned fit in nicely with virgo themes AND colors.
So my still life would be an overhead desk scene using some of the things I own that a typical virgo might appreciate. Would it be too easy if the desk is very organized? Maybe, but that could be solved by riddles or references. So the list of things written in the notebook are not simply a list of things to find, but theres a bit of riddle solving and critical thinking involved.
The Puzzle
Here are the things to find in the image:
An arrow and arrowhead
The artist’s own hand
Five Fives (The one in this numbered list doesn’t count)
A pick
A symbol of efficiency
The dust of creation
The virgo symbol (sort of)
Some of these are easy, and some are quite a bit harder, but all are solvable. Click here for a high resolution version available in dropbox.
Here’s a general hint: Google might help with things you might be stuck on
Super Zoom
Click Here for the super zoom version powered by my friends at ZoomLook
I shared this with the two friends that helped guide me toward the concept for this still life. See below
How to support my work
You can support my work by purchasing a fine art print of Astraia’s Desk right here
Astraia's Desk - 2024
About the Image
This still life invites you into the meticulous world of Virgo, where every detail is carefully curated and nothing is out of place. The image doubles as a puzzle, with a handwritten list of eight things to find, subtly woven into the scene. It's a quiet celebration of Virgo's love for order, detail, and the simple joy of discovery.
About the Print
Printed on archival matte paper, this 11×14 edition is limited to 20 and is sealed, signed and numbered.
I also asked ChatGPT what it thought about this image:
The image is a beautifully executed still life that captures the essence of Virgo through its meticulous arrangement, warm lighting, and symbolic objects. The overall mood and attention to detail align well with the themes you’re exploring in your Zodiac series.